Jade Makes Cakes
When folks discuss foodie towns in New York, White Plains doesn’t roll off the tongue, but there is some serious talent on the rise around these parts and you are about to learn about one. Jade Goodman Jade Goodman bakes for smiles. When asked why she got into baking cakes, [...]
Weather-Bitch Syndrome 2020 Sweeps the Eastern United States.
I was raised in Southern Cal and have lived in Colombia, New Mexico, New York, New Mexico, then California, then Spain, then California again and now the suburbs of New York. I don’t recall anyone ever complaining about weather in Southern California. If it rained, people got into plenty of [...]
FUCK LinkedIn
Where do creative folks with non-traditional careers and backgrounds go to network?
Micro-Dosing Mommy During Covid-19
Before you finish painting your picture of who has written this... pause. My parents weren’t hippies, and I am not a Dead fan (because marrying one, does not make you one). Jam bands are not contagious. I didn’t try any kind of marijuana until I moved to San Francisco in [...]
Crockpot Cuban Mojo Pork – I am back!
If you are a subscriber, first of all, thank you and second of all, you are probably wondering where I have been for over a year. I could tell you that I was traveling the world sampling goat fat, but I wasn't. I was tending to my two little ones [...]
A Little Summer Break and my Favorite Watermelon Salad
If you recently subscribed to Claudia's Tasty Bits on YouTube, I am taking a little summer break to spend some quality time with my little sprouts. They are only little once! While I am gone, I hope you check out my existing videos. There are many to choose from and [...]