I have made it to the big time!!, well, according to my mom and those who love me, I have. I made a little video series for eHow recently that includes 10 videos on Summer Party Drinks and Snacks. eHow gave me 35 titles to choose from and I chose the 10 that scared me the least. I shot the videos with video guru, Steven Watkins at Kitchen on Fire in Berkeley, Ca. The folks at KOF were very kind to let me use their wonderful set up. They were gearing up to do a special cooking class for a [...]

By |2018-10-03T10:18:50-04:00June 26th, 2012|


This isn't a post about food, but about your favorite foodie. Me!!! Ok, I may not be your favorite foodie, but you are reading this, so hopefully at the very least, you like me? Thank you so much for reading my posts, sharing them and watching my videos. I love you. As most of you know, I have been writing my blog for a little over two years and have been releasing my silly videos since Decemeber of 2010. It is amazing and sort of frightening how quickly social media and blogging have evolved. I don't think any of us [...]

By |2018-10-03T10:57:59-04:00March 16th, 2012|


As you all know, I taught a 6-week course for Cooking Matters last year and will be teaching a second course beginning mid February. I get a lot out of teaching this class and not just sharpened comedy skills, ba-dump, but the chance to give back and meet some cool people from all walks of life.  A short while ago, the person who runs Cooking Matters in the Bay area, Sarah Nelson, asked me if I would mind if C&H Sugar did a little story about me and Cooking Matters for their site and I responded with an enthusiastic, YES, [...]

By |2011-01-28T19:16:21-05:00January 20th, 2011|