Happy New Year everyone. Thanks so much for making the first year of RealFoodies TastyBits great. I believe February will be our official first birthday! I didn't write during the holidays. I figured we could all use a break or at least that is what I am going with. Here are my thumbs up and down of 2010. I would have to publish a book to include everything, so I wrote what came up for me first, which was a lot. I would love to hear your comments. Stay tuned for a lot more TastyBits fun in 2011, including MORE [...]

By |2018-10-03T13:02:07-04:00January 6th, 2011|


Remember the days when the only almonds that lived in your pantry, came in a blue can and usually had a smokey taste? Those were some yummy little treats, and I still partake here and there, but we have come a long way in the almond world. I noshed on my first Marcona almond while living in Madrid about 12 years ago. Little naked almonds sauteed in olive oil and drizzled with sea salt. What's not to like? Peeled Spaniards  and Unpeeled Gringo I brought Marcona's back with me in my suitcase and sighed when I got down [...]

By |2018-10-03T16:34:36-04:00July 1st, 2010|


I don't know what I ever did before discovering Spanish Smoked Paprika (Pimentón de la Vera). Not sure why I didn't discover it while living in Spain. God knows it was in or on everything from eggs to chorizo and ensaladilla Rusa. This lovely spice imparts a deep and smokey flavor to anything you add it to. I got my first taste at the Americano bar in the SOMA district of San Francisco. I ordered some fries that came dusted with pimenton and I am guessing some garlic and parsley. I am not a fry addict, like most, yet, I [...]

By |2018-10-03T16:45:44-04:00February 25th, 2010|