CHANGUA – Colombian Egg Drop Soup and Hangover Cure

Changua is a Colombian egg drop soup from the Cundinamarca and Boyaca regions of Colombia where it is colder than the rest of the country. It is typically eaten for breakfast and the entire country enjoys it as a hangover cure, even the children. It is crazy. I have been eating Changua my entire life and loving it. The original recipe calls for equal parts milk and water with egg, green onion, cilantro, oil, salt and is served with crusty white bread. It sounds a little strange, but I think it is quite an elegant dish. It is also very [...]

By |2018-10-02T18:36:20-04:00December 11th, 2014|

BABY IT IS COLD OUTSIDE! Time for a bowl of easy,hot and tasty soup!

My brother in law is a very quiet guy. It took me about 20 years to figure out that he is not mad at me. Actually, sometimes I still wonder, but mostly it is because I deserve it half the time. To say that I adore him is putting it mildly. He has been the American patriarch of my little Colombian family since he stepped into the picture 27 years ago. He even walked me down the aisle. Part of his magic lies in that he is always in the kitchen with several pots and pans going at once. My [...]

By |2018-10-03T09:56:34-04:00January 9th, 2013|