Don’t Salt your Raw Shaved Zucchini Salad with Basil and Parmesan!

Anyone can shave zucchini and put it on a plate, but it will most likely become soggy because of one ingredient.

I love salt more than anything and I always salt every step of the way, except for when I make shaved zucchini salad. Salt draws out the moisture in zucchini in the same way that it does in eggplant. If you salt your salad too soon, there will be a pool of water on the bottom of the plate by the time you serve it and the zucchini will be limp. Nobody likes limp zucchini!

The combination of zucchini with fresh basil, lemon, parmesan, olive oil and pine nuts is a beautiful thing.

This salad is easy, healthy, elegant and incredibly delicious. You have to make it.

Benriner Mandoline – around $22

Kevlar Glove – Around $9

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By |2018-10-02T19:09:00-04:00May 21st, 2015|

One Comment

  1. Carrie Gray May 21, 2015 at 5:11 PM

    My daughter, becoming quite the crazy healthy gourmet connoisseur chef that criticizes everything I make (just wait), was just talking about making zucchini pasta and I said, “Well, I just saw a thing about zucchini salad with pine nuts – you love both of those!” She and I both loved the video. Groovy intro tunes, too 🙂

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