I will let you in on a little secret. Sometimes, late at night, I get comfy in bed with my iphone and some headphones and surf YouTube for how to make certain dishes or how to learn a cooking technique. I am not a good book learner, but if I see something performed once, I can usually get the hang of it, not to mention seeing it performed multiple times.

I am in the process of taping some TastyBits videos on everything from how to freeze bacon to my perfect rib technique. I know, you are on the edge of your seat, right? Well you should be, cus they are going to be great.

I always tell people, if you ever doubt how to wrangle an ingredient, just Google it or look on YouTube, chances are, someone has written about it or made a video. I am not saying that every video is great and this is why I am going to begin making my own, but when you watch 4 short videos on how to clean clams, you pretty much get the idea.

A good technique for finding better videos on YouTube is plugging in reputable sources like food network, Chow or chefs that you like, for example “Mario Batali bolognese”. There are a lot of lesser known cooks with great videos too, but the pros are always good to have in the mix.

Here are two different videos on how to make ragu bolognese, one of the most delicious things I have ever eaten. The first is Mario Batali and the second is a guy named Pat who has a site called … I loved Pat because he has zero sense of aesthetic. His toddler is sitting in the background, stacks of paper, so if you don’t have patience, just fast forward because he knows his bolognese. I enjoy the train wreck because he loves food.

Mario’s video is a bit old and the quality is not so great, but the content is pure gold.

Are there any videos you love? Have you taped your own? I would love to see them and feature them on TastyBits.

By |2018-10-03T15:43:48-04:00December 7th, 2010|

One Comment

  1. veggietestkitchen January 8, 2011 at 3:15 AM

    omg, i have so many videos that i love. i post a lot of them on my site w. recipes. whenever i find one, i usually bookmark it to use in a recipe. here are a few i haven’t used yet:

    monkeybread made by Chris Pandel from The Bristol in Chicago:

    how to make raspberry tuile w. the exec pastry chef of the Palace hotel:

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