Cilantro Crack Sauce – Safe for all ages.

Cilantro Crack sauce is named as such because due to it's tangy and incredible flavor, you will immediately want to put it on everything, unlike the real crack that will just make you homeless and possibly dead. I have only published one recipe that sucked that that was for this very sauce a few years back. I realized that I gave you guys something that could have turned out not crack-like, so here it is, the updated and new and improved Genuine Cliantro Crack Sauce. This stuff tastes great on everything, but watch the video for more specific ideas! Once [...]

By |2018-10-02T19:09:25-04:00May 14th, 2015|


Once upon a Christmas Eve a few years back I experienced the spirit of Colombian Christmas like never before. There was chorizo and empanadas and aguardiente and arepas, but the one item that caused me to fall to my knees in gratitude was the cilantro crack sauce. We put it on everything that night. There wasn't a piece of chorizo, empanada, arepa or piece of cardboard that didn't get smothered in this sauce. Now don't be thinking that there was actually crack in that sauce because I am Colombian. Remember, we don't do the drugs, we just sell them to [...]

By |2018-10-03T12:51:33-04:00September 14th, 2011|