Video – 10 Ways to Use Palacios Picante Spanish Chorizo

Yes folks it seems that video has killed the blogger in me, but it hasn't. It has just temporarily hidden in a dark room, but that writer can't be kept down too much longer. I am focusing on my YouTube Channel, Claudia's Tasty Bits at the moment. I am trying to reach 1000 Subscribers by July 1st. That isn't too many, but it is about double what I have now. Back to Chorizo!

By |2018-10-03T09:38:25-04:00May 15th, 2014|


You know those episodes of Friends where Chandler and let's say, Monica, would reminisce about old times and they would show clips of some of the most memorable "Friends" moments? Well, this is that episode of RealFoodies TastyBits! Since some of you are new to my posts, I am going to list the highlight reel so you can catch up on some groovy posts or videos that you may have missed due to everyday nuisances like work,  fitness or sleeping. I have a lot of great stuff in the works. I am super excited about making more videos and I [...]

By |2018-10-03T12:49:41-04:00September 28th, 2011|