And then the coffee Nazie says, “NO GIBRALTARS TO GO!”

What is a Gibraltar, you ask? If you are an SF coffee aficcionado or a hipster you already know the answer. A while back, I wrote a post about "Macchiato". That was my coffee of choice, a single shot of espresso, with just a little foam or milk... except for I always asked for more hot milk or I added a ton of half n half after. I realize now that it wasn't really a Macchiato that I loved afterall. Not too long ago, I asked for my Macchiato with extra hot milk and the barista said, "Would you like [...]

By |2018-10-03T09:52:12-04:00March 20th, 2013|


This is not the name of an Italian punk band, but my favorito coffee. I used to scoff and snarl, sometimes simultaneously, at people who ordered those half calf, non-fat, caramel, soy whatever the hecks at coffee houses... just like sushi in the 80's, I thought this was just Americans trying to be cool. I now love sushi, but I still try to keep my coffee orders simple. MACCHIATO, WET. The best coffee I ever had was in Spain. It was called a cortado. A cortado is essentially an espresso with a dash of hot milk. "Cortado" means "cut". In [...]

By |2018-10-03T16:30:54-04:00August 11th, 2010|