And then the coffee Nazie says, “NO GIBRALTARS TO GO!”

What is a Gibraltar, you ask? If you are an SF coffee aficcionado or a hipster you already know the answer. A while back, I wrote a post about "Macchiato". That was my coffee of choice, a single shot of espresso, with just a little foam or milk... except for I always asked for more hot milk or I added a ton of half n half after. I realize now that it wasn't really a Macchiato that I loved afterall. Not too long ago, I asked for my Macchiato with extra hot milk and the barista said, "Would you like [...]

By |2018-10-03T09:52:12-04:00March 20th, 2013|


The first time I came across the little sandwich concept was in Madrid, Spain. They call them bocadillos or bocata because they are little mouthfuls. Boca isn't just short for Boca Raton, it means mouth in Spanish. Throughout cafes and bars in Spain, you can find little bocadillos filled simply with jamon serrano, lomo or tortilla de patata . They seldom contain more than one ingredient, although sometimes they contain olive oil or smushed ripe tomato. Spain is also home to my other favorite "finger" sandwich that can be found at Rodilla, but I will reserve that for another day [...]

By |2018-10-03T10:22:50-04:00April 26th, 2012|